Thursday, July 5, 2012

Updates + Fourth of July

I know I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon but I'm ready to jump back in. I'd like to rejuvenate this space a little bit and truly make it a place where I can write about all the little things -- and big things -- that make life so sweet.

It's been six months since I've been working as a newspaper reporter in a small town in central Florida and It's been quite a ride. I've learned so much and have had the chance to write many different stories. Being a journalist is definitely a difficult but rewarding job.

In other news, I've recently moved to a new apartment and can't wait to decorate it and make it homey. There are so many awesome ideas from Pinterest but I'm on a small budget so it will definitely take some creativity.

Yesterday was Independence Day and while I was going to volunteer to work for the day, two other go-getters jumped in before me. So I enjoyed my first paid day off. I went shopping for some new clothes (little success) and put my IKEA desk together (success!) before going out with a co-worker friend to celebrate America's birthday with her favorite pastime (My first baseball game.) Then we settled onto a sheet on the field for some small town fireworks that lasted for half an hour and listened to some patriotic tunes.

Every year on the fourth, I can't help but reflect on how happy I am to be able to say that I'm an American citizen. Thanks to wonderful parents who made the decision when I was a toddler to chase after the American dream, I have more opportunities and liberties than most of the world. While many people find it cliche, I almost tear up at Lee Greenwood's song "God Bless the U.S.A." and relish the chance to honor this country and most especially, the troops that fight for our freedoms.

I'm truly blessed to call this land home.