Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friends and football

After a weekend of Rockin' the Universe with a group of girlfriends from college, I was kind of sad to go back to the regular grind this past Monday. I looked forward all week to a lunch date with a sweet college friend on Friday. We spent the day chasing after her wild puppy and taking him to Panera with us as we both got broccoli cheddar soup and had some much-needed catch up time. Surprise chats with a few other friends brightened the week and Saturday's Gator victory over the Tennessee Vols made my heart happy.

Having graduated just a few months ago, I live with my parents now and the sting of faraway friendships is felt so much more. I miss the college days with their relative ease of seeing friends--meeting at Chick-fil-a on the weekdays and going out on the weekends. I get e-mails from Redbox often and they make me miss all the movie nights of those days. But I know this is just a step in the journey and I cherish the alone time I have to pursue things I never had time for before, like this blog. And those chats, phone calls, Facebook posts, Skype dates and real life get-togethers are such blessings.

I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the guidance, love and support of so many people in my life.

And so, in honor of friendship, I will link to this song which is from my favorite childhood show, Saved by the Bell. :)

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