Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Working woman

Wow. I can’t believe I start work tomorrow. It sure has been a long time coming for my first real job. I can’t believe that starting tomorrow I can call myself a journalist. In high school and throughout college, I’ve been preparing for this with countless articles, too many all-nighters and probably enough stress to cause an ulcer, though I’ve escaped with my health intact, thank God. It’s funny now to look back at Foley’s reporting class and remember my first interview, my first fact error, my first phone call to the UF President. I was so shaky and unsure and nervous. Now my confidence is where it should be, I think. I can ask anyone almost anything but I’m not so overconfident that I forget sources are people and lose my manners or compassion. I really do credit the UF J-School for teaching me more skills I could have ever imagined. Now it’s just time to put them to the test.

This job is the same job I saw this past summer, fresh out of the O’Connell center after graduating. I applied too late, though, but not before I had already fantasized the location (relatively close to family and friends) and the newspaper. About 5 months later, another reporting position opened up and I sent my application in within minutes.

After my interview, I knew for certain that I was the right fit for the newsroom and the community.

Luckily, they felt the same way. And here I am, just one sleep away from this job I thought was beyond my grasp. I’m so blessed and grateful.

Divine providence makes me smile.

It’s going to be quite an adventure, this journalism career. Here goes.

The human heart plans the way, but the LORD directs the steps –Proverbs 19:9


  1. :D I'm so proud of you biffle! I just know this first step will be one of many that will carry you to an outstanding career in journalism! <3

    St. Francis de Sales will be praying for you, along with me and some other heavenly folks!

    lots of love!

  2. Yeah! You're going to be wonderful! I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine!

  3. I know this is late but you both are so beautiful and I'm so thankful for your encouragement. Love youuu!
